Indiana Jones' Hat Shop

Indiana Jones' Hat Shop

Indiana Jones's hat was made here.

Location: 13 Old Burlington Street, Mayfair

Description: Before London milliner Herbert Johnson joined Swaine Adeney Brigg, his shop was situated here. One afternoon in 1980, two American gentlemen came in and introduced themselves as Mr. Harrison Ford and Mr. Steven Spielberg.

Mr. Spielberg announced that he was on the brink of making an adventure film with Harrison Ford as the central figure: Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Astonishingly he revealed that a hat would be pivotal to the character and the plot. The salesperson courteously asked if there was a particular period involved.

As the visitors didn't want anything too specific, he suggested employing the oldest hat shape still being manufactured and carried in open stock.

A tall crowned, Herbert Johnson wide brim fur felt hat called The Poet was chosen. (It had been made continuously since the 1890's and was deemed ageless). As Indiana Jones was to wear the hat in different terrains, a shade of brown called Sable was chosen.

Herbert Johnson was recently bought by Swaine Adeney Brigg - London's celebrated maker of equestrian & leather goods. In existence here since 1750.

Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watt and actor Jack Nicholson were also customers of this store.

Themes: RetailRetail Theme  CinemaCinema Theme
Indiana Jones' Hat Shop

Indiana Jones's hat was made here.

Ranking This Month: 1665/3072

Pages Hit This Month: 14


Many famous people went in H and J 13 Old Burlington St. I used to work there as the military rep in 1978-80. It was always busy then. Met many different people from all walks of life. (John Oswin)
Posted by John Oswin on 2012-04-29

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