The Heroes of Alma

The Heroes of Alma

The Beatles favourite pub while recording at Abbey Road Studios.

Location: 11 Alma Square, Marylebone

Description: This pub, now long gone, was the favourite watering hole of The Beatles and their producer George Martin while they were recording at Abbey Road Studios (or EMI) in the Sixties.

Other musical regulars while at Abbey Road included The Hollies, Queen, Manfred Mann, The Seekers and Pink Floyd.

Because recording sessions were structured in shifts, musicians were encouraged to go to the pub for lunch, or while other parts of the recording process that didn't directly involve them.

Antony Stone, the West End choreographer of Abba hit Mamma Mia! and Bollywood-style stage musical Bombay Dreams recently lived here, but now it's been converted into luxury flats and the pub garden is now a patio.

Tours: Rock London

Themes: MusicMusic Theme  PubPub Theme
The Heroes of Alma

The Beatles favourite pub while recording at Abbey Road Studios.

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