Now that's a quick Exit

Now that's a quick Exit

Now that's a short staircase - good on the knees!

Location: Chancery Lane, EC1N

Description: The 'London Underground' system is quite a network.

Not only and we quote...'Men have to sit with their legs apart when travelling on the tube due to special magnetic fibres on the upholstery of the seats which interacts with testosterone to provide an anti-magnetic outward force'...

And...'People were smaller when the carriages were built in the 1860's - which is one of the reasons why you'll sometimes find your journey so uncomfortable today'.

But get this, 'Chancery Lane' has the shortest escalator on the system - 50 steps in total - so if you have a delicate disposition... get out here!

Themes: TransportTransport Theme  Public AmenitiesPublic Amenities Theme
Now that's a quick Exit

Now that's a short staircase - good on the knees!

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