The Magpie and Stump

The Magpie and Stump

The pub where Hanging Breakfast's were order of the day.

Location: 18 Old Bailey, EC4M 7EP

Description: The pub The Magpie & Stump dating to around 1550, stands on the site of the original pub of the same name, and opposite the Old Bailey which itself stands on the site of what was once Newgate prison.

Up until public hangings were abolished in 1868, the upstairs rooms used to be rented out on public holidays so as to provide the wealthy with a prime vantage point of the gallows. The speciality for these events was a 'hanging breakfast'!

In 1868, Michael Barrett was the last person to be executed publicly.

In the 17th century the Magpie and Stump housed one of the 'clubs' known as mughouses, so called because every man had his own mug.

The last woman to be hanged in public was serial killer Catherine Wilson who was hung outside here before an incredible crowd of 20,000 on 20th October 1862.

Themes: PubPub Theme  JusticeJustice Theme  FoodFood Theme
The Magpie and Stump

The pub where Hanging Breakfast's were order of the day.

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