Dukes and Bond

Dukes and Bond

The bar that inspired the Bond line 'shaken, not stirred'.

Location: St. James's Place, St. James, SW1A 1NY

Description: Dukes's Hotel in St James Place is an exclusive boutique hotel that knows how to wow every customer.

It is also author Sir Ian Fleming's favourite hotel and he is said to have coined the phrase, shaken, not stirred. while in the bar here.

If you want to see it in action, head here and ask for their Bond signature martini - three measures of Gordon's, one measure of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet, with a slice of lemon shaken.

Tours: James Bond in London: The Tour

Themes: CinemaCinema Theme  AlcoholAlcohol Theme
Dukes and Bond

The bar that inspired the Bond line 'shaken, not stirred'.

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