Green Cabbie Hut...Hanover Sq

Green Cabbie Hut...Hanover Sq

'Cabbie Shelters'... Can you find this one? Tea & cab drivers.

Location: Hanover Sqaure, W1

Description: 'Cabbie Shelters'... Can you find this one? Thirteen in total and serving 23,000 drivers, cabbies can enjoy a cup of tea, a natter and of course the renowned full English breakfast. And are there any celebs hanging around…Madonna is a fan it seems!

Tours: London 2012

Tours: unique tour

Themes: TransportTransport Theme  QuirkyQuirky Theme
Green Cabbie Hut...Hanover Sq

'Cabbie Shelters'... Can you find this one? Tea & cab drivers.

Ranking This Month: 1557/3073

Pages Hit This Month: 32

Credits: Time Out - London

I used to work just round the corner on Dering St. Theres always cabs hanging around this. And NO celebs (steve)
Posted by steve on 2009-03-04

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