Swap Coffee for Beer Perhaps

Swap Coffee for Beer Perhaps

Coffee becomes beer retail then Thespian tavern

Location: 3 Allington Street, Victoria, SW1E 5EB

Description: Now, coffee and beer are both good - but if you had a choice, which would be your poison?

Well step back in time to 1888 when a Mr William White established a coffee house on this very spot which thrived until a Mrs Eliza Gingel obtained a licence to open a beer shop on the premises, going on to name the shop the Victoria Stores.

1958 bought a new owner Cecil Barwood who was granted a full licence and therefore a proper boozer - it was then one of only two taverns in London bearing the name of a retail shop.

Alas time moves on and the establishment was renamed the 'Stage Door' in 1963 and due to it's proximity is firmly in theatre-goers minds before and after a show.

Today the 'Stage Door' is as popular as ever, but if it was still selling coffee, would as many actors go in to tread the boards?

Themes: PubPub Theme  HistoricalHistorical Theme  TheatreTheatre Theme
Swap Coffee for Beer Perhaps

Coffee becomes beer retail then Thespian tavern

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