A Funny Man schooled here

A Funny Man schooled here

Tony Slattery attended this West London school in the 1970s

Location: The Ride, Brentford, TW8 9LB

Description: 'Tony Slattery'... or Anthony Declan James Slattery is an actor and comedian who has appeared on British television regularly since the 1980s, most notably as a regular on the Channel 4 improvisation show Whose Line Is It Anyway?

And this is the school that Tony spent his early academic years - 'Gunnersbury Boys Grammar School' in West London - before going on to study Modern and Medieval Languages, specialising in French and Spanish, at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, where he became the president of the Cambridge Footlights.

In the mid-1990s, after leaving Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Slattery suffered what he described as a 'mid-life crisis', culminating in 1996 with a six-month period of reclusiveness, during which he did not answer his door or telephone, 'or open bills, or wash... I just sat.'

Eventually, one of his friends broke down the door of his flat and persuaded him to go to hospital. He was diagnosed as suffering from bipolar disorder.

He discussed this period and his subsequent living with the disorder in a documentary made by Stephen Fry, 'The Secret Life Of The Manic Depressive', in 2006; Slattery claimed that he spent time living in a warehouse and 'throwing [his] furniture into the Thames'.

Themes: ComedyComedy Theme  LiteraryLiterary Theme  CelebrityCelebrity Theme
A Funny Man schooled here

Tony Slattery attended this West London school in the 1970s

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