Throw Your Rubbish Elsewhere

Throw Your Rubbish Elsewhere

Burlington Arcade - built to stop litter louts dropping rubbish

Location: Burlington Arcade, Piccadilly, SW1

Description: Some time ago, in fact around the early 1800s, Lord George Cavendish (later Earl of Burlington) envisioned a covered area where Londoners could shop for jewellery and other fashionable appurtenances.

But it seems that his idea and subsequent project ran a little deeper than developing a high-class retail area... Indeed Lord Cavendish took on the construction to stop rubbish being thrown into his garden.

What a top bloke... plus, from the day it first opened in 1819, Burlington Arcade has remained one of the premier London shopping area, especially appealing to fashion conscious customers.

Themes: HistoricalHistorical Theme  QuirkyQuirky Theme
Throw Your Rubbish Elsewhere

Burlington Arcade - built to stop litter louts dropping rubbish

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