Sutton House

Sutton House

The oldest house in Hackney, reputed to be haunted.

Location: Sutton House, Hackney, London, E9 6JQ

Description: Originally known as 'Bryck Place', Sutton House was built in 1535 by Sir Ralph Sadleir and is the oldest residential building in Hackney. It is a rare example of a red brick building from the Tudor period.

The phantom woman or women who haunt this 500 year old Tudor house periodically are not alone - the sound of a wailing hound has also been heard, and disembodied voices emanate from empty rooms.

Tours: m

Themes: GhostGhost Theme  HistoricalHistorical Theme  AnimalAnimal Theme
Sutton House

The oldest house in Hackney, reputed to be haunted.

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