Banksy's Tesco Pledge

Banksy's Tesco Pledge

Banksy's famous 2008 mural of allegiance to Tesco

Location: Essex Road, Islington, London

Description: This classic Banksy piece on the side of a chemists is from 2008. It shows three kids in an American style pledge of allegiance scene around a flag pole. The flag being a Tesco plastic carrier bag.

Note how the flag pole is actually some ducting for electric cables.

It's got some perspex covering on it, additions and alterations have appeared and disappeared and reappeared!

Tours: Curios

Tours: Ethans Birthday Tour

Tours: The Banksy London Tour

Themes: ArtArt Theme  ComedyComedy Theme
Banksy's Tesco Pledge

Banksy's famous 2008 mural of allegiance to Tesco

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Banksy's Tesco Pledge

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