Drama here since 1948

Drama here since 1948

A small theatre with a big drama heart

Location: Beech Walk, Crayford, DA1 4NP

Description: Founded in 1948, the 'Geoffrey Whitworth' is a public theatre with over 1700 members.

The theatre has a raked auditorium seating 150, a large proscenium stage, a fully licensed bar, two foyers, a rehearsal studio, large dressing rooms and plentiful on-site parking.

They produce ten or eleven productions annually, each usually lasting for 8 nights, including a Youth Group Production. So for high quality drama...visit the website and pay them a visit.

Themes: LiteraryLiterary Theme  TheatreTheatre Theme  SocietySociety Theme
Drama here since 1948

A small theatre with a big drama heart

Ranking This Month: 2245/3067

Pages Hit This Month: 38

Credits: http://www.thegwt.org.uk/

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