The Riceyman Steps

The Riceyman Steps

26 steps immortalised in Arnold Bennetts The Riceyman Steps

Location: To Granville Place, London

Description: Granville Square is reached from King's Cross Road via 26 stone steps, immortalised in Arnold Bennett's odd novel of that title.

Themes: LiteraryLiterary Theme
The Riceyman Steps

26 steps immortalised in Arnold Bennetts The Riceyman Steps

Ranking This Month: 2984/3067

Pages Hit This Month: 27

Credits: The Face of London

For anyone interested in Arnold Bennetts 1923 novel Riceyman Steps, visit to and go to the history section where there is an excellent slide show concerning the location of Riceyman Steps, the surrounding area and the characters in the story. (David Sulkin)
Posted by David Sulkin on 2008-02-13
Arthur Machens stories and memoirs may well be of interest to readers drawn to this region. Machen (1863-1947) was fascinated by the area east of the Grays Inn Road, feeling it had a marvellous, miraculous atmosphere and was the haunt of people who had lost their way in life. (See "Things Near & Far", the second volume of his autobiography.) Several of his fantasy stories take place in the Lloyd Square area, although he does not usually name the district. See the chapter "Strange Occurrence in Clerkenwell" in his supernatural thriller "The Three Impostors" (1895) and his stories "The Islington Mystery" (1927) and "Out of the Picture" (1936). Machen read "Riceyman Steps" but was critical of it, since he thought Bennett hadnt made the most of the fascinating corner of London he chosen for his story. Theres a Machen soceity for anyone who becomes hooked on his works. (Roger Dobson)
Posted by Roger Dobson on 2007-05-26

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