Apple iPod designers school

Apple iPod designers school

The school where Apple designer Jonathan Ive studied.

Location: Chingford Foundation School, Nevin Drive, Chingf, E4 7LT

Description: Chingford Foundation School is a state secondary school located in Chingford in the London Borough of Waltham Forest.

It opened in 1938 and was evacuated within a year due to the outbreak of war, and reopened in 1941.

Notable alumni include professional footballer David Beckham, designer of Apple's iPod Jonathan Ive and the former professional head of the British Armed Forces, Peter Harding.

Ive remains a senior manager at Apple in San Francisco, and helped design the iPad and iPhone too. His first product was the colourful range of iMac G3's. Ive received his CBE from the Queen in 2006, and was named the most influential Briton in America in 2008 and received Fortune Magazines Smartest Designer Award in 2010.

Actor James Alexandrou, of Eastenders fame, attended as well. Young Spurs star Harry Kane was a pupil too.

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Apple iPod designers school

The school where Apple designer Jonathan Ive studied.

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