The Dog and Duck

The Dog and Duck

The Dog and Duck, a Victorian marvel and George Orwell's local.

Location: Frith Street, Soho, London, W1D 3AJ

Description: The Dog and Duck pub was built in 1718 and so little changed since the 19th century that the Victorian Society have applauded it as a rare if not unique survival of a small Victorian town pub. It's now a Grade II listed building.

The pub's name recalls the rather cruel sport of duck hunting, which had been popular when this was a far more rural area.

Author George Orwell came to the Dog and Dick to celebrate the fact that the American Book-of-the-Month Club had selected his latest novel Animal Farm.

Themes: PubPub Theme  LiteraryLiterary Theme
The Dog and Duck

The Dog and Duck, a Victorian marvel and George Orwell's local.

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