The Half Moon

The Half Moon

Putney's legendary live music pub, scene of U2s first UK gig.

Location: 93 Lower Richmond Rd, London, SW15 1EU

Description: The Halfmoon has hosted live music since 1963, with occassional performances dating back as far as the 1920s. From The Rolling Stones to Kasabian, Kate Bush to Eric Clapton.

U2 played here four times during their first UK visit, which included their first ever sell-out gig. Other memorable gigs at the Halfmoon include KD Lang's first UK appearance, Kate Bush's first ever public performance and a surprise appearance by Nick Cave.

The Halfmoon has always been synonymous with a certain local band The Rolling Stones, whose most recent visit was at a private event held at the Halfmoon in May, 2000. As well as performing as the band, individual members of the Stones have appeared here in various side-projects, and have also used the venue for rehearsal space.

As well as music, the Halfmoon has seen great comedy acts, including Billy Connolly, Harry Hill and Al Murray Pub Landlord.

Tours: 5/09

Themes: PubPub Theme  MusicMusic Theme
The Half Moon

Putney's legendary live music pub, scene of U2s first UK gig.

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