Francisco de Miranda's Statue

Francisco de Miranda's Statue

Born, Caracas in 1750's. Founder independence in South America.

Location: Fitzroy Sqaure, W1P

Description: This chappy seemed more at home in London than anywhere else - in fact his home in Fitzrovia has been described as the 'most Venezuelan place outside Venezuela'. Born in Caracas in the 1750's, this chap was one of the founders of independence in South America, he was given the nickname 'The Precursor' - what a name - what a man! The statue is opposite the Indian YMCA.

Themes: HistoricalHistorical Theme  SculptureSculpture Theme
Francisco de Miranda's Statue

Born, Caracas in 1750's. Founder independence in South America.

Ranking This Month: 2233/3072

Pages Hit This Month: 12

Credits: Time Out - London

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