Simple Cafe in Mayfair

Simple Cafe in Mayfair

'The Snack Bar' - real food to live for - decent chips and bacon

Location: Brooks Mews, WI

Description: So, you're in Mayfair and the bright lights from all the upmarket eateries just aren't doing it for you...

You crave some simple food and some decent wholesome fodder - well look no further than the 'Snack Bar' - hidden behind Claridges on Brooks Mews, this place has been running for 50 years and is still going strong.

Gorgeous fat chips and slices of bacon to die for, this is one not to miss...and if you have a hangover, even better.

Themes: FoodFood Theme
Simple Cafe in Mayfair

'The Snack Bar' - real food to live for - decent chips and bacon

Ranking This Month: 2903/3067

Pages Hit This Month: 30

Credits: The London Paper - 9 January 2007

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