Parisian Coffee London

Parisian Coffee London

'Coin de Paris' - coffee and cakes at delicious prices

Location: 1 Red Lion Street, TW9 1RJ

Description: Before now, coffee shops of this ilk have only been found (outside of Paris) in Hollywood...but not now.

'Coin de Paris' pays homage to this fact with exceptional coffees, lots of freshly baked pastries and baguettes, a gorgoues atmosphere...and here's the thing - very reasonable prices.

So if you can't get to Paris but are keen to find out what its all about - join in here.

Themes: FoodFood Theme  SocietySociety Theme
Parisian Coffee London

'Coin de Paris' - coffee and cakes at delicious prices

Ranking This Month: 1831/3067

Pages Hit This Month: 41

Credits: The London Lite - 15 January 2007

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