St Paul's Studios

St Paul's Studios

The splendid terrace of artist's studio's and houses by the A4.

Location: 135-149 Talgarth Road, Hammersmith, London, W14 9DA

Description: Most West Londoners have, at one time or another, wondered about the picturesque terrace of artists' studios on the A4 at Hammersmith as they rush towards Heathrow.

The huge cheval-glass studio windows with glazed vaults excite interest despite the unpromising site, sandwiched between the District Line and the Talgarth Road.

St Paul's Studios were designed by Frederick Wheeler in 1890 and have much in common with the hundreds of other domestic studios constructed towards the end of the 19th century. James Gunter the developer of West Brompton fame financed this splendid terrace that was 'specially designed to suit the requirements of bachelor artists, with accommodation for a housekeeper on the lower floor'.

Dame Margot Fonteyn, the
prima ballerina of the Royal Ballet from
the 1940s to 196Os, was well placed for the adjoining Royal Ballet School whilst living for many years at No. 149, during which a mezzanine floor was installed at the rear of the first floor studio.

Themes: ArchitectureArchitecture Theme  DanceDance Theme
St Paul's Studios

The splendid terrace of artist's studio's and houses by the A4.

Ranking This Month: 219/3073

Pages Hit This Month: 50

Credits: Suggested by Denise Norbury.

Nice article, you can find more on these houses on my blog that is dedicated to them on (Christian Braun)
Posted by Christian Braun on 2009-04-24
I was always amazed by those studios every time me and my partner drove by and I always wanted to know their history. One of them is on sale, they are huge inside!! 1.7 million pounds...simply amazing. (Panos)
Posted by Panos on 2008-08-03
My partner have always marvelled at and wondered about this glad to finally find out something about them. Theyre amazing! (Shelley)
Posted by Shelley on 2008-01-31

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