East End with lots of East

East End with lots of East

Stepney inhabitants with a chequered past.

Location: Stepney, E1 0LA

Description: Stepney is an inner-city district in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets forming part of the East End of London.

The area consists of mostly post-war high density housing and a few streets of terraced housing with a little light industry and a few warehouses...but it is on the UP.

Stepney also has quite a remarkable history - between 1560 and 1840 - only 14% of Stepney inhabitants were native-born Londoners. Which if you think about it, ain't many.

Looking at London today, not much has changed then!

Themes: HistoricalHistorical Theme  SocietySociety Theme
East End with lots of East

Stepney inhabitants with a chequered past.

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