What no dodgy warehouse

What no dodgy warehouse

All you'll find here is a fine place to eat and enjoy

Location: 23-27 Wadeson Street, E2 9DR

Description: Nestled on the edge of an industrial estate, you'd be mistaken if you thought that this was just one of those UK 'run of the mill' business park outlets - alas no - this is a fine place to enjoy a meal.

With graffiti covered shutters obstructing the entrance, the 'ultra-trendy' 'BISTROTHEQUE' is a real find and a must for food lovers all over.

The weekend brunch is a must eat, plus there are the more traditional hangover cures should you need one... you know, grilled kippers, poached eggs, black pudding...that sort of thing. And of course if that is not hitting the spot, jugs of 'Bloody Mary' are also available should you feel the need!

First and foremost it's a great place to get a bite, secondly...the website is very cool and very helpful - http://www.bistrotheque.com/ - go find!

Themes: FoodFood Theme  SocietySociety Theme
What no dodgy warehouse

All you'll find here is a fine place to eat and enjoy

Ranking This Month: 219/3073

Pages Hit This Month: 58

Credits: http://www.bistrotheque.com/

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