Home to a British Acting Legend

Once the the home of a young John Thaw
Location: Troy Court, Kensington High Street, W8
Description: Back in the sixties when a young 'John Thaw' was homing his thespian talents and courting an ever so slighly older Sheila Hancock, who was also learning her acting trade.
The man who went on to become the nation's favourite law-maker... you know, Jack Regan, Inspector Morse, and many many more great roles... used to live here at 'Troy Court'.
It was mostly a batchelor pad when the workoholic Thaw was not treading the boards, staring down the camera lens, or indeed learning new lines.
John thaw made his television debut in the military police drama Redcap (19641966), and subsequently appeared in a range of television, stage and cinema roles, his most popular being police and legal dramas such as The Sweeney, Inspector Morse and Kavanagh QC. Sadly John Thaw lost his fight to cancer in 2002 and we were all robbed of one of Britain's finest actors of both stage and screen

Once the the home of a young John Thaw |
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Credits: The Two Of Us - Shelia Hancock
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