Bellefields Road Mural 1

Bellefields Road Mural 1

Painted in 1987, an abstract piece of London art

Location: Bellefields Road

Description: This mural is located on the corner of Bellefields Road and Stockwell Avenue.

It was painted in 1987 by London Wall Public Art. It is an abstract piece featuring objects which play on the names in the local area such as a pile of Bricks for Brixton and a bell for the street name.

It also references local buildings - some of which are now gone.

Tours: Top Ten London Murals

Tours: Brixton Mural Tour

Themes: ArtArt Theme  SocietySociety Theme
Bellefields Road Mural 1

Painted in 1987, an abstract piece of London art

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Pages Hit This Month: 31

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