Tompion and Graham Clockmakers

This is where pioneering clockmakers Graham and Tompion lived.
Location: 69 Fleet Street, London, EC4A
Description: Here lived the famous pioneering clockmakers Thomas Tompion FRS, the Father of English clock making (1638 - 1713) and George Graham FRS (1673 - 1751).
At the time Graham was apprenticed to Tompion in 1695, the address was 'Dial and 3 Crowns', Corner Water Lane, Fleet Street', and this is where they worked and lived until 1713 when Graham took over the business. In 1720 he moved to the 'Dial and 1 Crown, near Fleet Bridge'.
Both were buried in Westminster Abbey and several examples of Graham's work can be seen in Flamsteed House Greenwich Observatory.

This is where pioneering clockmakers Graham and Tompion lived. |
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