Tompion and Graham Clockmakers

Tompion and Graham Clockmakers

This is where pioneering clockmakers Graham and Tompion lived.

Location: 69 Fleet Street, London, EC4A

Description: Here lived the famous pioneering clockmakers Thomas Tompion FRS, the Father of English clock making (1638 - 1713) and George Graham FRS (1673 - 1751).

At the time Graham was apprenticed to Tompion in 1695, the address was 'Dial and 3 Crowns', Corner Water Lane, Fleet Street', and this is where they worked and lived until 1713 when Graham took over the business. In 1720 he moved to the 'Dial and 1 Crown, near Fleet Bridge'.

Both were buried in Westminster Abbey and several examples of Graham's work can be seen in Flamsteed House Greenwich Observatory.

Themes: IndustryIndustry Theme  PioneerPioneer Theme
Tompion and Graham Clockmakers

This is where pioneering clockmakers Graham and Tompion lived.

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