St Andrews Day Boozer

St Andrews Day Boozer

The Butchers Hook & Cleaver, pay homage to "Braveheart"

Location: 61 West Smithfield, EC1A 9DY

Description: If for nothing else, I'd recommend you get down to this pub for the name along...

The Butchers Hook & Cleaver.

Well it's traditional and literally in spitting distance of where William Braveheart Wallace was executed by the English in 1305...charming!

So when the special days comes round again - 30th November - get down here to raise a dram or two to the warrior's memory.

Or pay it a visit and revel in a quality named pub!

Themes: PubPub Theme  HistoricalHistorical Theme  SocietySociety Theme
St Andrews Day Boozer

The Butchers Hook & Cleaver, pay homage to "Braveheart"

Ranking This Month: 2640/3067

Pages Hit This Month: 34

Credits: The London Lite - 30 November 2006

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