Lord Shaftesbury - A.K.A. - Eros

Lord Shaftesbury - A.K.A. - Eros

Statue commemorates Victorian Philanthropist Lord Shaftesbury

Location: Piccadilly Circus, W1R

Description: Whilst wandering through London and taking in the visual delights that confront the human eye everywhere, remember to take in Piccadilly Circus.

Why... well maybe because the statue that sits centre stage and looks quite bizarre commemorates the great Victorian Philanthropist Lord Shaftesbury.

It actually represents not 'Eros the God', but the 'Angel of Christian Charity'. And who better to honour than Shaftesbury... I mean at 84 years of age and on his death bed he did lament...'I cannot bear to leave the world with all the misery in it.'

Tours: Top 10 London Landmarks: Silver

Themes: HistoricalHistorical Theme  SculptureSculpture Theme
Lord Shaftesbury - A.K.A. - Eros

Statue commemorates Victorian Philanthropist Lord Shaftesbury

Ranking This Month: 1593/3073

Pages Hit This Month: 27

Credits: Judy Lloyd

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