What no Drugs?

What no Drugs?

Lost London - a family chemist with a difference was here

Location: 101 Leather Lane, EC1N

Description: Digital Photography is the new pharmaceutical industry it seems - well that appears to the be the case on this spot on Leather Lane.

Some time ago it was a Chemists - 'Morrison's Chemist' - bought by John Morrison after he was demobbed in 1946.

John created a whole new medical movement (that sounds a bit deep), but 'We were know around the parts' he said, 'People would come to see me before they would go to see the doctor...I would usually fix then up'!

Alas time moves on and we all want to shop in Superstores now (well not all of us!) - it's now a Digital Photography shop...so just make sure you don't go in asking about your piles!

Themes: HealthHealth Theme  HistoricalHistorical Theme  RetailRetail Theme
What no Drugs?

Lost London - a family chemist with a difference was here

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