Baby born on a Bus

Baby born on a Bus

The 1st baby in the capital to be born a London Bus

Location: nr Mare Street, Hackney, E8

Description: Indeed it was - near this very street - that a baby was born on a London bus during rush hour after the driver and passengers came to the mother's aid.

'Olatidebe Agboola', believed to be the first birth aboard one of the capital's buses, arrived weighing 7lb 8oz at the back of a No394 in Hackney last Thursday the 22nd November 2009.

His parents have given him the middle name Dennis, after the vehicle's manufacturer.

As Emiloju Fatima Lawal went into labour, driver Pauline Jacobs alerted controllers to dispatch an ambulance.

She parked the single-decker near Mare Street to help Ms Lawal, assisted by passenger Carole Allen, 60, a switchboard supervisor at Homerton hospital.

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Baby born on a Bus

The 1st baby in the capital to be born a London Bus

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