Moll King's Houses of Ill Repute

Moll King's Houses of Ill Repute

These are the houses built by Tom King's notorious Coffee Shop.

Location: 106 Haverstock Hill, Chalk Farm

Description: These 4 grand Georgian houses opposite the Sir Richard Steele Pub are reputedly the houses that dodgy Covent Garden coffee house legend Tom King's wife built with the proceeds of vice.

Tom King's Coffee House (later known as Moll King's Coffee House) was a notorious establishment in the 18th century.

And Moll? She was Londons most famous whore. Daniel Defoe's Moll Flanders was allegedly based on Moll King. She continued to run the coffee house until around 1745, when she retired to live here in her villa. She died on 17 September 1747, leaving a large fortune.

Next door lived Sir Richard Steele, editor of The Spectator, famed for his contentious sympathies for the victims of the citys burgeoning sex industry.

Themes: CrimeCrime Theme  SexSex Theme
Moll King's Houses of Ill Repute

These are the houses built by Tom King's notorious Coffee Shop.

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