Borough Market...Lock, Stock...

Borough Market...Lock, Stock...

Used in 'Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels' - great food & drink

Location: 8 Southwark Street, Southwark, SE1 1TL

Description: It was at this legendary wholesale market that is now open to the general public, very trendy, and the purveyor of exceptional food and drink that.... Guy Ritchie used for scenes in the classic British gangster film - 'Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels'. You can even find and pose outside the taxi-cab office that was the scene of the monster gun-fight.

The market here is the oldest fruit and vegetable wholesale market operating in London, since 1756. The market's history though can be traced back to pre-Roman times with a Southwark Fair Market flourishing around this point near the Cathedral for centuries.

Once the majority of the food would arrive at the wharves here but now most arrives by train.

Themes: CinemaCinema Theme  FoodFood Theme
Borough Market...Lock, Stock...

Used in 'Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels' - great food & drink

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