Hugh's About A Boy Pad

Hugh's About A Boy Pad

Will and Marcus hung out here in the 2002 British feel-good flic

Location: 16-18 St James Walk, corner of Sekforde Street, EC1R 0BE

Description: Based on Nick Hornby's best-selling novel, 'About A Boy' is the story of a cynical, immature young man who is taught how to act like a grown-up by a little boy.

The film stars Golden Globe winner Hugh Grant as Will, Nicholas Hoult as Marcus, Academy Award nominee Toni Collette as Fiona, and Academy Award winner Rachel Weisz as Rachel.

And so to this location - well - Will (Hugh) has a no-frills, techno-head flat, which is located on this street.

You might not recognise it as the striking entrance was added just for the movie.

Tours: About A Boy - Film Locations

Themes: CinemaCinema Theme  ArchitectureArchitecture Theme
Hugh's About A Boy Pad

Will and Marcus hung out here in the 2002 British feel-good flic

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