Gordons... Wine Specialist

Gordons... Wine Specialist

Gordon's Wine Bar is an institution in London's drinking circles

Location: 47 Villiers Street, WC2N 6NE

Description: Gordon's Wine Bar is an institution in London's drinking circles with the speciality being fortified wines, and possibly the oldest wine bar in London.

The building was once home to Samuel Pepys in the 1680's and Rudyard Kipling was a tenant in the 1890's, in fact Kipling penned The Light that Failed in the parlour above the bar.

Served from wooden casks behind the bar, this gives it a slightly eccentric feel. They also serve a variety of English dishes. Outside seating is provided on the terrace. Superb all year round.

Themes: AlcoholAlcohol Theme  PubPub Theme  LiteraryLiterary Theme
Gordons... Wine Specialist

Gordon's Wine Bar is an institution in London's drinking circles

Ranking This Month: 2229/3068

Pages Hit This Month: 34

Credits: http://www.allinlondon.co.uk/clubs_bars/venue-392.php

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