The Museum of London

The Museum of London

The potted story of London Town through the ages.

Location: 150 London Wall, Barbican, EC2Y 5HN

Description: The origins of the Museum of London start with the original Guildhall Museum, founded in 1826, which focused solely on archaeology after acquiring a fragment of Roman mosaic from Tower Street in the City of London.

Not far away, the London Museum, established in 1912, had wider interests and collected modern objects, paintings, and costumes.

After the Second World War both museums amalgamated to form the Museum of London and in 1976 moved to it's current location here near the Barbican.

Today it houses exhibitions from ancient London, Roman London, Medieval London, London at War and Modern London.

Themes: MuseumMuseum Theme  AncientAncient Theme
The Museum of London

The potted story of London Town through the ages.

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