Ballast Quay

Ballast Quay

Vintage cobbled Greenwich street by the Thames.

Location: Ballast Quay, Greenwich

Description: Today Ballast Quay is the name of the road here (formerly called Union Wharf) on the fringes of Greenwich but has referred to the area here for centuries.

It's a splendid residential late Georgian and early Victorian street today featuring many Grade II listed homes, some still owned by Blackheath-based charity Morden College.

The cobbled granite road surface is also listed.

Coal ships would bring fuel to London and its industrial development from Newcastle and the northern collieries. The barges would always need a return load so gravel ballast was loaded here on the start of their return journey.

Check out the Cutty Sark pub and the Ballast Quay Museum.

Themes: HistoricalHistorical Theme  ArchitectureArchitecture Theme  RiverRiver Theme
Ballast Quay

Vintage cobbled Greenwich street by the Thames.

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