Gordon Ramsey's Restaurant

Gordon Ramsey's Restaurant

This is potty mouth Gordon's Ramsey's Petrus restaurant.

Location: The Berkeley, Wilton Place, SW1X 7RL

Description: London has over 6000 restaurants...approximately 16% of the UK's restaurants are located in London. In fact, London boasts 31 Michelin-starred restaurants, more than any other city outside Paris.

And of course a number of these leading eateries belong to Gordon Ramsey - the 'Petrus Restaurant' being just one.

But it doesn't stop there for Gordon, he is the only three Michelin-starred restaurant in town (August 2006) - there are four two starred restaurants and 25 one-starred restaurants.

What a city...and there's everyone else thinking all we could do was Fish 'n' Chips.

Themes: FoodFood Theme
Gordon Ramsey's Restaurant

This is potty mouth Gordon's Ramsey's Petrus restaurant.

Ranking This Month: 2299/3062

Pages Hit This Month: 3

Credits: http://www.gordonramsay.com/

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