Buttons...are essential..

The only place in London to find that elusive missing button.
Location: The Button Queen, 19 Marylebone Lane, W1V 2NF
Description: So who was it that once said...'my left arm for a button...if only this dratted waistcoat would fit...!' Well, I'm not sure, but if this was really the case, help is at hand.
'The Button Queen' is the answer to all those button blunders that are happening across the capital - whether you've lost a button in a boating accident or one has dropped off after picking up a large bag of gravel - don't fret, Button Queen staff can assist.
With a stock boasting modern to antique and art deco to hand-made, whatever your button, you'll find it here.
Now go find and enjoy the experience
Tours: Curios
Themes: Quirky

The only place in London to find that elusive missing button. |
Ranking This Month: 2655/3072
Pages Hit This Month: 15
Credits: http://www.thebuttonqueen.co.uk/
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