A.C. Doyle The Eye Specialist

A.C. Doyle The Eye Specialist

The creator of Sherlock Holmes once plied his trade here.

Location: 2 Devonshire Place, W1H

Description: Indeed it was at this very address that Arthur Conan Doyle rented consulting rooms to assist with his medical career.

Alas it seems business wasn't just slow...it was non-existent. 'Every morning I walked from the lodgings at Montague Place, reaching my consulting rooms at 10 and sat there until 3 or 4 with never a ring to disturb my serenity' confided Conan Doyle.

Luckily for Sherlock Holmes fans he went on to bigger and better things and it was during his time here that he wrote 'A Scandal in Bohemia' and 'The Red-Headed League'.

Doyle then went on to move to Tennison Road in Norwood in 1891.

Themes: LiteraryLiterary Theme  HistoricalHistorical Theme
A.C. Doyle The Eye Specialist

The creator of Sherlock Holmes once plied his trade here.

Ranking This Month: 2869/3067

Pages Hit This Month: 30

Credits: Judy Lloyd

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