Londons most influential women of Science

The most influential female scientists in Londons history.

NOTE: Please note this is a virtual tour, a Do-It-Yourself tour you can print off and take with you when you visit London.

Submitted by SOL

Tour Itinerary

# Image Location Address Notes
1UK's First Female DoctorUK's First Female Doctor20 Upper Berkeley Street, Marylebone
2The home of Ada LovelaceThe home of Ada Lovelace3 St James Square, St James
3Scientist Rosalind FranklinScientist Rosalind FranklinDonovan Court, 107 Drayton Gardens, Chelsea
3 locations, 5033 hits

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Printable PDF Itinerary (No Map)

download Londons most influential women of Science as a PDF documentDownload a PDF version of this tour here. This can then be emailed or printed and allows for your personal notes to be added prior or while on tour.