rock london

Stuff to see while in london

NOTE: Please note this is a virtual tour, a Do-It-Yourself tour you can print off and take with you when you visit London.

Submitted by chico19341

Tour Itinerary

# Image Location Address Notes
1David Bowie's Ziggy StardustDavid Bowie's Ziggy StardustHeddon Street, Piccadilly, London
2The Clockwork Orange UnderpassThe Clockwork Orange UnderpassTrinity Road, Wandsworth, London
3The ShipThe Ship116 Wardour Street, Soho, London
4Wessex StudiosWessex Studios106A Highbury New Park, Highbury
5The TroubadourThe Troubadour263-7 Old Brompton Road, Earls Court
6The Cart and HorsesThe Cart and Horses1 Maryland Point, Stratford, London
7Mozart's First SymphonyMozart's First Symphony180 Ebury Street, Belgravia, London
8The RoundhouseThe RoundhouseChalk Farm Road, London
9Banksy Up the WallBanksy Up the WallPollard Street, Bethnal Green, London
10Banksy Brick Vent RadioBanksy Brick Vent RadioGillett Square, Dalston, London
11Tottenham Court Road TubeTottenham Court Road TubeTottenham Court Road
12The Great Bard's TheatreThe Great Bard's TheatreNew Inn Broadway, off Gt Eastern Street
12 locations, 5221 hits

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Printable PDF Itinerary (No Map)

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