Birch's Immortal Shop

The sweet store once here is immortalised in the V&A Museum.
Location: 15 Cornhill, London
Description: The confectionary shop started in the reign of George I and established by Lucas Birch, whose son Samuel became Lord Mayor in 1840.
The shop was much vaunted in its time and was immortalised when it's front was and is lovingly preserved in the Victoria and Albert Museum. Meanwhile the business moved to Angel Court, and is long lost.

The sweet store once here is immortalised in the V&A Museum. |
Ranking This Month: 2038/3073
Pages Hit This Month: 29
Credits: The Face of London
4» Have just discovered Samuel Birchs father Lucas was our 4 x gt. grandfather. Samuels brother Lucas fathered George, then came Oliver then William then our father William. We still have the name Birch and have in fact gone back to Samuels grandfather
John from Buckinghamshire. (Sandra Carter)
3» Dear Pattie, I am also a direct descendant of Samuel Birch and would love to hear from you at Regards, Julie Birch (Julie Birch)
2» My brother-in-law, George Birch is a direct descendent of Samuel Birch and has many papers and Documents relating to the family. I will see him at Christmas and can ask if he has any relevant information which would be of use to you. Pattie Birch (pattie birch)
1» I am doing a house search in Islington; one of the people who lived in this house was Samuel Birch. The dates fit those of the Samuel Birch, son of Lucas who became Mayor Of London in 1840. Do you have any info or know where I can get any information on whether Samuel ever lived outside of the City of London. The Samuel Birch who lived in my house, did so 1785-1790 ish.
Thanks for your help,
Sharon Lewison (Sharon Lewison)
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