The Audi Centre

The Audi Centre

Audi's largest car showroom is an M4 tourist spectacular.

Location: 931 Great West Road, Brentford, London

Description: On Monday 19th October 2009 the world’s largest Audi Centre officially opened here by Manchester United welsh winger Ryan Giggs. The West London dealership took six years of planning and execution.

Conceived by Architects Wilkinson Eyre, designers of the Gateshead Millennium Bridge, the vast glass and metal structure is seven storeys high and occupies over 190,000 square feet.

The highly distinctive curved roof is made from aluminium sheets, each one approximately 40 metres in length without any joints.

The basement levels are an engineering marvel. Built below the water table and beneath the River Thames, they house a 32 bay workshop and extensive parking facilities.

Three showroom floors will have space to display 116 cars, while The Audi quattro rooms on floors four and five will be home to an exhibition that showcases the innovations throughout Audi’s 100-year history.

The building's atrium features a dramatic aluminium sculpture designed by artist Gerry Judah. Weighing almost a ton and suspended between three floors, it took three cranes and two days to install.

Themes: MotoringMotoring Theme  ArchitectureArchitecture Theme
The Audi Centre

Audi's largest car showroom is an M4 tourist spectacular.

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The Audi Centre

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