The Canonbury

The Canonbury

Was this George Orwell's favourite pub in London?

Location: 21 Canonbury Place, N1 2NS

Description: Tucked away from the bustle of nearby Upper Street, the Canonbury is a discreet piece of London literary history.

A regular haunt of George Orwell, the Canonbury was one of the pubs the author amalgamated for his classic 1946 essay the 'The Moon Under Water'.

Living just a stone's thrown away in Canonbury Square, the author valued the pub - sadly now modernised inside - for the protection that the walled garden offered his young son from the bomb-damaged tenements outside.

The huge spreading chestnut tree that still stands outside was inspirational for Orwell during his writing of 'Nineteen Eighty Four'.

Themes: PubPub Theme  FoodFood Theme  AlcoholAlcohol Theme
The Canonbury

Was this George Orwell's favourite pub in London?

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