The Ship Tavern

The Ship Tavern

Built in 1447.

Location: 27 Lime Street, EC3M 7HR

Description: Built in 1447....enough said!

Tours: Interesting EC WC

Themes: PubPub Theme  AncientAncient Theme
The Ship Tavern

Built in 1447.

Ranking This Month: 597/3067

Pages Hit This Month: 59

Credits: The London Companion - Jo Swinnerton

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Other places nearby:

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Grade 2 and still Rising», 2.2km

The Ten Bells», 0.6km

The Blind Beggar», 1.2km

The Dove», 6.7km

The Viaduct Tavern», 0.8km

Location Pinpointed:

Open Street Maps», Google Maps»