The World's End

The World's End

Old boozer giving the area World's End it's name.

Location: 459 Kings Road, Chelsea, SW10 0LR

Description: An an ancient watering hole has been on this spot since the 17th century. This building dates back to 1888, this historic Victorian Gin Palace, The World's End Distillery is a bizarre mix of experiences.

Upstairs is a super dining experience reminiscent in 1940's Hollywood-stylee, downstairs is 'The Scene', a secretive candle-lit basement, showcasing unique live acts of all musical persuasions, playing cosy sets to live music lovers.

The pub bestowed it's name to the local area here on the King's Road which has changed an awful lot over the years. The pub however remains a permanent fixture.

The Rolling Stones used to jam here in the early sixties. It's here that they held auditions for bass players in 1962, one candidate was Bill Wyman.

Themes: PubPub Theme  MusicMusic Theme
The World's End

Old boozer giving the area World's End it's name.

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Location Pinpointed:

Open Street Maps», Google Maps»