The Cuming Museum

The Cuming Museum

Unique museum of the history of Southwark.

Location: 151 Walworth Road, Southwark, London, SE17 1RY

Description: Worldwide collections of the Cuming Family accompany exhibitions on the history of Southwark (from Roman times to the 19th century) in this unique museum. The exhibits include The Marshalea Prison Pump, Roman Statues, and The Mannings' Tombstones. There are also special displays on Shakespeare's Southwark and the scientist Michael Faraday.

Henry Syer Cuming left the collection amassed by himself and his father Richard to the Metropolitan Borough of Southwark when he died in 1902. His will stated My museum illustrative of natural history, archaeology and ethnology with my coins and medals and along with all other curios... be exhibited in ...a suitable and spacious gallery or apartments... in connection with Newington Public Library.

The museum was to be known as the Cuming Museum and he left a sum of money to employ a curator. The museum was opened in 1906 by Lord Rothschild.

Tours: Elizabethan & Stuart London

Themes: MuseumMuseum Theme
The Cuming Museum

Unique museum of the history of Southwark.

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