A very fine cat indeed!

A very fine cat indeed!

Hodge the cat! Samuel Johnson's immortalised and favourite pet

Location: 17 Gough Square, SE1

Description: Hodge the cat! Looking as well-fed as his owner, Samuel Johnson, Hodge is described as 'a very fine cat'.

Indeed, the feline was one of Samuel Johnson's (1709-1784) pets, immortalised in a characteristically whimsical passage in James Boswell's 'Life of Johnson'.

Number 17 Gough Square, London, was the home of Dr Samuel Johnson which he shared with his much loved cat, Hodge. Not many cats have a statue erected in their honour, but opposite the house, which is now a museum, stands a charming bronze of this famous eighteenth century feline. It was sculpted by Jon Bickley, a former zookeeper.

Tours: Curios

Themes: SculptureSculpture Theme  Public AmenitiesPublic Amenities Theme
A very fine cat indeed!

Hodge the cat! Samuel Johnson's immortalised and favourite pet

Ranking This Month: 1214/3073

Pages Hit This Month: 35

Credits: http://www.samueljohnsonbirthplace.org.uk/

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