The Clockwork Orange Underpass

This is where A Clockwork Orange's tramp beating took place.
Location: Trinity Road, Wandsworth, London
Description: The location of the first underpass scene from A Clockwork Orange where a tramp receives some ultra-violence is at the Southern entrance here.
The tramp sings old Irish folk fairy tale Molly Malone.
One thing I could never stand is to see a filthy, dirty old drunkie,
howling away at the filthy songs of his fathers and going blerp, blerp
in between as it might be a filthy old orchestra in his stinking rotten
guts. I could never stand to see anyone like that, whatever his age
might be, but more especially when he was real old like this one was.
The boys stop and applaud him.
Can you... can you spare some cutter, me brothers?
Alex rams his stick into the Tramp's stomach. The boys laugh.
Oh-hhh!!! Go on, do me in you bastard cowards. I don't want to live
anyway, not in a stinking world like this.
Oh - and what's so stinking about it?
It's a stinking world because there's no law and order any more. It's a
stinking world because it lets the young get onto the old like you
done. It's no world for an old man any more. What sort of a world is it
at all? Men on the moon and men spinning around the earth and there's
not no attention paid to earthly law and order no more.
The Tramp starts singing again.
Oh dear land, I fought for thee and brought you peace and victory.
Alex and gang move in and start beating up on old Tramp.
Tours: rock london
Tours: music
Tours: A Clockwork Tour
Tours: London general 2012
Tours: movies
Themes: Cinema

This is where A Clockwork Orange's tramp beating took place. |
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