Temple Bar Death Clock

Temple Bar Death Clock

The great Temple Bar law courts clock of death.

Location: Fleet Street

Description: On November 5th 1954 Thomas Manners, a clock mechanic for the Works Ministry, lost his life within the clock above the Temple Bar law courts.

Manners, 52, had performed the same tasks twice a week for 17 years - it was his duty to wind, inspect and keep on time the 800 clocks scattered throughout the great building.

On this day however, his coat became stuck in the electrically-driven drums that lift the heavy weight of the clock.

The clock was working fine but the chime had stopped striking, so two repairmen were sent to find out why and they discovered Thomas's body.

Themes: DeathDeath Theme  JusticeJustice Theme
Temple Bar Death Clock

The great Temple Bar law courts clock of death.

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