Pistols at Dawn

It was here that Colonel Montgomery died inn a duel in 1803.
Location: Primrose Hill, London
Description: It was here in 1803 that Colonel Montgomery and Captain MacNamara quarrelled and fought a duel, because their dogs quarrelled and fought in Hyde-park.
Captain Macnamara received colonel Montgomery's ball in the hip, and Colonel Montgomery received Captain MacNamara's ball in the heart.
This exchange of shots being according to the laws of duelling and projectiles, Colonel Montgomery died on the spot.
Captain MacNamara was tried at the Old Bailey, and, as a man of honour, was acquitted by a jury of men of honour.

It was here that Colonel Montgomery died inn a duel in 1803. |
Ranking This Month: 2291/3073
Pages Hit This Month: 24
Credits: The Every-Day Book
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